We hold accountable organizations that allow sexual abuse to happen. Our attorneys have represented thousands of abuse survivors from every state in the United States. Survivors are standing up across the country demanding justice and making their voices heard. Numerous states have opened the courtroom doors for those impacted by sexual abuse by allowing individuals to bring lawsuits, including those who were abused many years ago.

McSweeney/Langevin is Here to Help

We understand the importance of helping survivors and holding abusers accountable, as well as the organizations that enabled them. We are trained at helping those who have been abused. Our attorneys are skilled at litigating cases against abusers and organizations that enable abuse. We provide a free, confidential case assessment, allowing you to come forward in a safe and secure manner.

Call us today if you or a loved one has been sexually abused or a victim of human trafficking.

Seeking Justice for Past Sexual Abuse

In 2023, an American is sexually assaulted every 68 seconds — and every 9 minutes for children. Only 25 out of every 1,000 perpetrators ends up in prison. All too often, abusers are repeat offenders having abused many (if not hundreds of) children or adults over the years. Unfortunately, organizations that are supposed to protect or be safe–such as churches, youth camps, scouting programs, nursing homes, prisons, the military, schools, and others–fail to do so.

As the public learns more about the unfortunate prevalence of sexual abuse, survivors have stepped forward in large numbers seeking accountability. They have brought cases against the Boys Scouts of America, Catholic churches, Universities, schools, and other organizations, obtaining verdicts and settlements reaching millions of dollars. Reported examples include:

  • $1.1 billion settlement for over 700 women claiming sexual abuse by former USC gynecologist George Tyndell.
  • $490 million settlement for survivors claiming abuse at the University of Michigan from its sports doctor Robert Anderson.
  • $71.5 million settlement for women accusing a Columbia University-affiliated gynecologist Robert Hadden of sexual assault.
  • $16.3 million settlement for a woman claiming she was sexually abused by Prince Andrew.

Now is the time to stand up and seek justice. We help survivors seek compensation for past abuse.

How Lawyers at McSweeney/Langevin Can Help You Seek Justice

Our lawyers and staff helps survivors of sexual abuse and human trafficking. First, we provide a confidential, free case evaluation. Then, we investigate your case and the circumstances surrounding it. In abuse cases, an abuser is oftentimes enabled by a large organization, school, or business. Safeguards that would protect victims, the elderly, or children are not followed or even considered. These organizations may even shelter known abusers or turn a blind eye to claims of abuse. We strike back and fight for justice and compensation for our clients.

Through the civil justice system, we fight for compensation for past pain and suffering, current mental and physical anguish, and medical bills. We often work to reform institutions allowing such abuse.

Contact the McSweeney/Langevin Law Firm Today

We are ready to help. We are experienced and we listen.

If you or a loved one was sexually abused, contact us today for a confidential and free case evaluation.

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