Talcum Powder Cancer Lawsuit

Talcum Powder attorneys McSweeney / Langevin provides free legal consultations to individuals and families who have used talcum powder and subsequently been diagnosed with cancer.
If you or a loved one has been injured by the use of Talcum Powder, call1-877-542-4646or use our privatecontact formfor a confidential legal consultation.
Talcum Powder use may lead to certain types of cancer
Talcum powder (or baby powder) is a substance used to absorb moisture and create soft skin and a fresh smell. These products are made using talc, a commonly occurring mineral. One talcum powder manufacturer is Johnson & Johnson. They market their powder under the brand names Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder, Johnson’s Baby Fresh Powder, Johnson’s Active Fresh Powder, and Shower-to-Shower Powder.
The dangers of repeated human exposure to talc products have been suspected for decades. The first problems were noted in the 1970’s when scientists recognized that talc was often contaminated with asbestos. This occurred because the two minerals tend to be found in similar geologic formations. Since that time, talc has been separated from asbestos to prevent contamination, but subsequent studies have recognized other potential dangers.
One 2013 study found a possible link between the use of talcum powder on the genitals and an increased risk of ovarian cancer. The study, published in Cancer Prevention Research, showed a modest increase in the risk of epithelial ovarian cancer compared to women who did not use powder. This is not the first study of its kind. Simillar findings were observed in studies in 1992, 1997, and 1999 among others.
Just a few months ago, another study found similar results. In December, researchers at Harvard examined what happens to women who had used talcum powder on the genital and rectal area. They found that women who had used talc for a longer period of time had a higher incidence of ovarian cancer. Overall, women that used talcum powder were 33% more likely to develop ovarian cancer than women who did not use the product.
Family wins verdict against powder manufacturer
Jackie Fox, a woman from Birmingham, Alabama, was a loyal purchaser of Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder, a product she used for feminine hygiene. After using the product for 35 years, Ms. Fox developed ovarian cancer. She sued Johnson & Johnson claiming that their product caused her cancer.
At trial, Fox’s attorneys presented an internal memo to the jury for review. This memo, written by a Johnson & Johnson medical consultant in 1997, stated that anybody who denies the risk of using hygienic talc and its links to ovarian cancer is denying the obvious in the face of all evidence to the contrary. One of the jurors, Jerome Kendrick, said that he found the memo to be persuasive. Kendrick stated, “they tried to cover up and influence the boards that regulate cosmetics. They could have at least put a warning label on the box but they didn’t. They did nothing.”
Ms. Fox was not able to see the outcome of the trial. Ovarian cancer took her life in October at the age of 62. Ultimately, the jury found Johnson & Johnson to be liable for Fox’s death and it awarded her family $72 million.
Update 5/3/2016
A jury in St. Louis ordered Johnson & Johnson to pay $55 Million to a woman who claims that use of their talcum powder caused her ovarian cancer. Gloria Ristesund, a 62 year old woman from Sioux Falls, South Dakota, is just one of more than 1,000 women who believe that the Johnson & Johnson product is responsible for their cancer. After decades of using Shower to Shower talcum powder as part of her daily hygiene regimen, Ristesund developed ovarian cancer in 2011 and subsequently underwent a hysterectomy and the removal of he uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes.
We can help
You may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering and other damages if you or a loved one has suffered from cancer after using talcum powder for feminine hygiene. Feel free to contact a talcum powder attorney at1-877-542-4646or by our private contact form. Your information will remain confidential and an attorney will provide you a free legal consultation.

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